Luen Wo Fish Stall

Luen Wo Fish Stall

Store Guide 聯和魚檔eng In the historical area of Luen Wo Hui— Luen Wo Market, Let It Be hopes to integrate coffee into the community’s everyday life. Let It Be 2.0 Fanling will preserve the characteristics of the old Luen Wo Market while developing and offering various beverages and cakes made using local farmers’ crops, aiming…

Community Stores—FVMO

Community Stores—FVMO

Store Guide FVMO Established in 1946 under the Agricultural Products (Marketing) Ordinance, the Vegetable Marketing Organization (VMO) is a self-financing, non-profit organisation. It has been striving to provide local quality vegetables such as accredited, organic, and hydroponic vegetables to the general public. The Fish Marketing Organization (FMO) was first established in 1945 under the Defence…

Community Stores—Sightseeing Strawberry

Community Stores—Sightseeing Strawberry

Community Store 香港有機果蔬農莊——觀光士多啤梨園 香港有機果蔬農莊——觀光士多啤梨園 負責人林生出身於農業世家,自小就跟隨長輩耕種,年青出外謀生。到中年的時候意識到外來的作物很多都農藥含量超標,有見及此,於2006年就成立我的 “香港果蔬有機農莊” 掛得上 ”有機“ 就是良心行業。承諾有機規條已十八年多,所出產的作物令家人、朋友及客戶食得安心放心。 香港有機果蔬農莊有二十五萬平方呎,選擇幾種作物作為農埸特點,如:士多啤梨、臺灣蜜棗、菠蘿、稻米、菇類產品,另有其他時令蔬果。 香港有機果蔬農莊現時於「聯和趁墟」售賣各種時令蔬果,亦有「圓茄子」、「多色甘筍」及「自家士多啤梨」等的特色產品。店鋪所提供的產品亦會隨季節更變,務求能讓顧客購入自家農場最新鮮的有機農產品。