Luen Wo Market will be revitalized into a living center, with reserved intervals to start operation in 2022

Luen Wo Market will be revitalized into a living center, with reserved intervals to start operation in 2022

The 67-year-old Fanling Luen Wo Market will be revitalized into an urban and rural life museum, with about 20 stalls selling local agricultural products and small community shops, including traditional crafts and snack bars such as Gudong wooden crafts and sharpening knives and scissors, recreating the functions of the old market. On holidays, an outdoor market will also be set up to sell rural items.

Lutheran “Luen Wo Market-Urban and Rural Living Museum” proposal was selected for the fifth phase of the Revitalization of Historic Buildings Partnership Program to revitalize the nearly 70-year-old Luen Wo Market

Lutheran “Luen Wo Market-Urban and Rural Living Museum” proposal was selected for the fifth phase of the Revitalization of Historic Buildings Partnership Program to revitalize the nearly 70-year-old Luen Wo Market

The Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service’s “Luen Wo Market – Urban and Rural Living Museum” proposal was selected for the fifth phase of the Revitalization of Historic Buildings Partnership Scheme to revitalize Luen Wo Market.